Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Leaving Nairobi to Nanyuki

Breakfast was interesting. Everything was cooked well done. The coffee was instant and I was very scared about what to eat and what not to eat, but the buffet table was huge and I ate like a king.

We ate breakfast, we prayed, had a meeting and loaded everything onto buses for our drive to Nanyuki. When we drove out of the gate I was shocked with the number of people. Nairobi had people everywhere. I was amazed with the traffic both cars and pedestrian.

Cars in Nairobi drive so close together that the hood is the best place for rear view mirrors. Check out the picture of the truck above. We drove for hours and hours to the town of Nanyuki. Nanyuki was our base of operations. We left every morning to drive to the Segera Mission (about 90 minutes) and returned every night.

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